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Online video trends in Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos

Online video viewing is increasing in many key markets in South East Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. Surveys have shown that consumers in Philippines and Indonesia were already spending around 2 hours a day watching online videos in 2015. Mobile phones are a popular way of watching online video in these countries. For instance, 69% of smartphone users in Indonesia access online video with their phones. This is enabled by cheap data plans and increased deployment of 3G and 4G networks which enhance the consumer experience.

As demand for online content has grown in these markets, there has been a proliferation of content providers offering their services. This influx has increased competition and content providers have started to look for opportunities in greenfield markets such as Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos where online viewing is more nascent but there is a better chance of grabbing market share thanks to less competition.

The challenge is that there is very little data on online viewing traction and willingness to pay in these markets, making it difficult to prioritize opportunities and develop a targeted online content strategy.

What are the priority greenfield markets for online content providers?

Content providers should prioritize Vietnam and Laos.

Pioneer Consulting Asia (PCA) has undertaken primary research in these markets. Our research shows that adoption rates of online content for Myanmar is at a different stage from that of Laos and Vietnam.

  • While one third of urban respondents in Myanmar don’t watch videos on their mobile phones, only 3-5% of city dwellers in Laos and Vietnam don’t use their mobile phones to watch videos.

  • In Myanmar, for viewers who do watch video on their mobile phones, close to 30% are spending 15 minutes or less per day. In Laos and Vietnam, 49% and 44% of viewers respectively are spending between 31 minutes and 2 hours watching video on their mobile phones.

For full results of PCA’s market research in Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and other countries please contact us at


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