5G is a polarising topic – consumers, vendors, and telcos each have different views and concerns over its usefulness and relevance. Some believe it’s merely a gimmick or a ‘better 4G’, while others regard it as a true paradigm shift and technology enabler.
Pioneer Consulting Asia-Pacific has explored the on-the-ground sentiment towards 5G by conducting individual interviews with a range of telcos, vendors, and suppliers.
The Top Concern for 5G Was Monetization
A range of concerns was raised over 5G’s move to mainstream – but chief among them was monetization (or the lack thereof): telcos, vendors, and suppliers alike believed that while 5G represented a step forward, being able to translate interest into money was an issue.
Many, Many Use Cases
Over 25 different 5G use cases were mentioned, both for consumers and enterprises, but the top-of-mind ones include:
Cloud gaming
AR / VR / xR
Video streaming
Remote-controlled industrial machinery / robots
Our findings are summarised below:
