The games and eSports industry has already grown larger than music, box office, and home entertainment (DVD + Streaming) combined. With gaming's star fast on the rise, organisations in a range of other industries are taking notice and seeking to ensure that they are well-positioned to take advantage of this trend.
Against this backdrop, Pioneer Consulting Asia-Pacific (PCA) has been conducting in-depth research, both primary and secondary, to identify and analyse key trends in the gaming and eSports industry.
Inside Games and eSports
In this series, we showcase excerpts from our proprietary primary research and secondary research into six different areas in the games and eSports industry, covering consumer insights, market trends, supply-side sentiment, and more:
Durability and Discoverability of Mobile Games
Asia: Leading the Way in Mobile Gaming
Don't Overlook Consoles
Casual Gamers: An Underserved Opportunity
What are Casual Gamers Thinking?
Gaming: The Impetus for 5G's Growth?
The Fragmentation of the App Store
More games and eSports-related content
PCA has previously hosted a webinar focusing on three hot topics in gaming and eSports:
Gaming as a driver of 5G in Asia
Strategies for engaging casual gamers
Gaming in the home
This was followed by a Q&A session with our panel of subject-matter experts on gaming and eSports.
PCA Game On! Webinar Episode 2
Catch Episode 2 of our Webinar on 25th Nov, where we discuss three other issues in gaming and eSports:
Fragmentation of the App Store
M&As in the Video Games Industry
The eSports Industry Matures